
36 Movie Reviews

22 w/ Responses

Wow that music at the start I could listen to it for hours on end.

Class animation although I wasn't a big fan of the second half, as a whole it was a very fun video.

Good Job!

There is clearly a lot of work put into this but I feel like most of the humour was rehashed from other animations or over used through out the video.

Animation wise; anything moving about was normally very good but the lip syncing was quite bad for most of it and somewhat distracting at times.

Personally I think it would of been more funny to have the tree at the end to be chopped down by the gun instead of just set on fire as it seems somewhat obvious to use a gun to set something on fire; but that's just me being picky.

Overall Good job on the animation and hopeful you make more in the future.

thebreadandbutter responds:

Thank you very much for your critiques
I will take them to heart and continue my never ending quest to become an okay animator!
*flies off into the night*

The story was very confusing especially the end where it gets to it's goal and then dies!

Your animation was kind of good though

SimBol responds:

Yeah, ik ending is a bit confusing, but I just don't want it to have a happy ending. It's like the stickman dies, his inner spirit dies and if inner spirit dies stickman dies
I'll make a better story next time for sure

You had a start and a middle to the story but it didn't really have an ending, what's next? does having nuclear power lead to the worlds end or a blighter future?

A lot of time it doesn't matter how good you are at animation; as long as you can tell your story through it your skill people well want to watch it.

keep trying and you'll go far!

HipHopDance responds:

I also don't know what's next. And thanks for support

This is very good for your first stop motion and shows really good single camera techniques, the sound effects for the most part were well used and the pacing is just right for the stop motion.

There were few small things I think you could improve upon that may help you in the future but for the most part it's very good.

First off ; the start of the race could of used with better sound effects as it seemed like there was a big build up for almost no climax when the cars took off.

At 42 seconds a car crashes but the first crash sound effect seems to play before actual hitting anything.

Lastly the end again was anti climatic, maybe have the cars drive past the camera and not being able to see who won until the winning scene may of been better, it's something to think about in the future.

I hope this helped and I hope you make more in the future.

WDZG responds:

I hope I can get better with stop motion in the future, and sound placement. Wasn't my best, but I'm glad this may get me somewhere.

Only accept hate and constructive criticism? Hate and constructive criticism it is then...
First off you spelled “criticism” wrong :P

The first image you used of the outside is with no black out lines and better quality than the next shot you used of the same shot, sure it's a different time of day but sticking to one style will make it more appealing.

The guy in blue looks backwards in the shot where he looks forwards.
In the same shot before he specks he doesn't have a mouth at all.
Please look up "The rules of thirds" as it makes this hard to watch otherwise; like the shot where he’s going down the hall way, there needs to be something on the right; not just a blank wall. Maybe some warnings about what will happen or something in picture form.

When he gets in the room with the writing he could have wiped his forehead in relief or just sounded happy instead of being like he already saw it before.

Did the program that you made this in not have layers? Why can't you see any glowing from the writing that he's standing in front of?

The tear drop takes longer to fall when it's not connected to his face so I guess gravity is different where he is?

Also I hate the text boxes! Like are you trying to hide them by putting them up there? You could have narrated them instead and it could have come out way better.

Lastly; you say your "Not an animator" What!? This is Very good for someone who’s not an animator and with some little things here and there; you could easily make this a lot better.

If you wanted I could give you like three or four things that you did right, just PM me if so or if you want any other advice let me know.

Hope this helps.

Waskus responds:

First off you spelled "speaks" wrong... Nah I'm just kidding.

The description was wrote in a light-hearted tone with a touch of irony. Of course I'm an animator, not an especially good one, but a an animator nonetheless. The first 32 seconds of the animation, which you criticized the most, I made about two weeks after I started animating (little over 3 years ago). I knew nothing about layers, the rule of thirds or animation rules in general. Therefore the lack of things like gravity, fluid motions etc.

And yes, text boxes are a cheap and bad way to avoid actual animation. For the narration, I'm not native to a English-speaking country and therefore try to avoid long lines, mainly because my Swedish accent shines through quite strong.

And I know I could've made this a lot, lot better if I'd just put in the time. The problem is that I couldn't, I don't have as much time now as I had a few years ago. As I wrote in the other response I felt I needed to finish this little mini-series, just so I could get it out of my head and put a metaphorical end to my animating "career". Not that I'll never pick up that old tablet again, I just wanted to end my only series - And the lack of time I had when I did resulted in a mediocre and cheap animation I, with just a few more days, could've made much better.

And yes, I would like to know what I did right for any future projects I may or may not make.

It helped.


It's very good work your showing off here but it's a bit long for a show reel, maybe play about with trying to make it 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 90 seconds then see which people like best. The shorter a good show reel is the more it well impact your audience.
Just a thought.
Keep up the good work ;)

AwkwardTom responds:

any particular bits you think could be left out to make for less time? PM me with your thoughts!

I don't know what I just watched but it was very well done!

I don't know what their saying ah... but I liked it!

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